The Balian, a Shaman and Healer

Balinese purification ceremony with traditional offerings and rituals

A lot of Bali tourists come for the surf, tropical weather, or the rich culture. The island does have everything: pristine rivers, mountains, volcanos, rice fields and the ocean all in one place. But there are some who seek something more than the physical, something that nurtures not only the physical body, to relax and unwind, but also heals the soul.

In the mystical island of Bali, many people have sought for spiritual healers, locally known as the Balian. One of the most unforgettable and profound Bali retreat experience, as shared by participants, is a session with a Balinese healer.

When misfortunes come to the Balinese, whether a sickness, accidents, birth or death within a family, or losing a job, they seek the help of a special doctor called the Balian. A balian is often referred to as a “traditional healer” but they can do many other great things as well. They can also be called shaman, known as dukun in Indonesia. A balian can play one or many roles: traditional healer, a medium of spiritualism, experts on custom and tradition, advisers, and at times, sorcerers and masters of mysticism.

Different types of balians

Balians are not usually general practitioners. In fact, there are different varieties of balians, specializing in a particular area of knowledge, and sometimes, uses different mediums as well. Some of these include massages, finding lost objects, preparing love potions and protective amulets, giving medicine, or delivering babies.

A balian tulang specializes in broken bones, a balian manak is a midwife, and a balian tenung is someone who specializes in divination and prophecies, particularly in revealing truths. A balian terang prays for the rain not to come. This is especially useful for massive outdoor events, which is quite common in Bali.

The balian usada practices taken from the lontars or books, dealing with the subject of medicine and their uses. Lontars are made out of the leaves of the lontar palm, a common tree found in some parts of Bali. The writings or scriptures are considered sacred texts.

A balian paica may be in possession of a powerful relic, divinely passed on upon the balian’s family. This is used for prayers and offerings. The practice of a balian apun, or balian urat, is based on massage combined with actions that relate to mystical forces, through mantras and offerings. The balian kebal specializes in magical items such as amulets and rings, or can sometimes be powerful in casting spells and charms.

The balian taksu are spirit mediums, often consulted for various reasons, and are frequently women. Clients who come to a balian taksu often have come to communicate with spirits. The session begins with a casual banter, then is followed by a trance session by the balian. Prayers and offerings are made to the personal spirit of the balian. Some balians go in an out of trance elaborately, some subtly, and an exchange between the client and the spirit happens thereafter.

What happens in a Balinese healing session

Some Bali retreat participants may have different needs and in turn would have different experiences. This is why it is important to have a consultation prior to seeking and facilitating a session with a Bali traditional healer, or a balian.

Since the era of Eat, Pray, Love, there are many individuals who have posed as healers. Some of them are authentic, but unfortunately, some may present to be a healer under false pretense. Posting on Facebook groups or asking around in social media may not be the best way to search for an authentic balian as some practices are not blessed, legitimate, or effective. It is always best to go through a Bali wellness center who is well in-tune with the local community and is run by Balinese.

We at the Floating Leaf have more than 10 years of experience, and is run by a full Balinese and Indonesian staff. Knowing the culture, practices and the right experts and healers is essential for us to carry out our mission to provide authentic and outstanding wellness that nourishes the body, mind and soul.

A Balian who is in tune with the spirits is the balian taksu. The session begins with a consultation. Clients who come for a consultation do not usually need to give information to the balian as to why they have come or what they want. The healer assures the wellbeing of the client through a range of techniques, some study the person’s name, palm, and aura, seeking imbalances and possibly looking into the past life of the client. Then, the balian taksu enters a trance state and invites the spirit of Naga (Dragon) to enter him. The balian’s voice might change at this time, and at this moment, may reveal some truths about the individual. This can bring clients into highly emotional states. Once this is done, the balian comes out of trance, and offers his findings and direction. The balian may share important life events, traumas, past lives, a glimpse into the future, or even warnings of what may happen.

Individuals must be prepared on what they might experience and hear from the balian. Some might be optimistic, while some undesirable. Either way, clients are reminded that the balian taksu acts as the medium for the message and not the messenger himself or herself.

Getting in touch with spirituality is something that individuals seek in their Bali wellness retreat. With the busy life, past experiences, traumas, and stress that happens in life, a spiritual healing offers calmness, serenity and presence that is much needed in a busy life. There are plenty of reasons people seek Balinese healing, whether it is to manifest, release, purify or discover, finding one that is right and authentic is an important aspect of the experience.

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Tags: Balinese Healing, Healing

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