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In Bodhi Leaf Wellness, we provide space for solace of the body and mind. Experience each of our massage therapy designed to heal and relax. From gentle Swedish massages to soothe tired muscles, to deep tissue techniques targeting tension, each massage is crafted to nurture your physical and mental well-being. Let our expert therapists guide you on a journey of rejuvenation and inner harmony, leaving you refreshed and renewed.

See our available spa packages here.


Balinese Shamanic Healing

At the Bodhi Leaf Wellness, we offer Balinese shamanic healing as a sacred and immersive experience for guests seeking holistic rejuvenation. Our skilled healers guide you through transformative rituals and ceremonies rooted in ancient traditions, aimed at restoring harmony and balance in mind, body, and spirit. From personalized consultations and energy-balancing sessions to traditional purification ceremonies and meditative practices, each offering is tailored to meet the unique needs and intentions. Through the integration of Balinese wisdom and modern wellness practices, our shamanic healing services provide a profound opportunity for self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth in the tranquil sanctuary of our resort.

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Sound Healing

At the Bodhi Leaf Wellness, experience the transformative power of sound healing facilitated by a Tibetan-trained sound healer. Through ancient Tibetan techniques and a modern understanding of sound therapy, immerse yourself in a journey of relaxation, rejuvenation, and inner balance. Let the resonance of Tibetan singing bowls, bells, and other traditional instruments guide you into a state of deep harmony and healing, promoting overall well-being for mind, body, and spirit.


Soul Guidance

Discover the truth of your soul through the transformative power of Soul Guidance at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness. In an immersive 1.5-hour session, discover who you truly are and your highest calling — allowing you to trust your instincts, answer any questions you may have about your truth, life purpose, relationships, past traumas, and more. Connect deeply with your inner wisdom and discover profound insights of your soul. Led by experienced facilitators, this journey of self-discovery will inspire you to trust your instincts and embrace the essence of your being. Unveil the truth of your soul and unlock the secrets to living a fulfilling life.

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Past Life Regression

Whether you seek clarity on your life's purpose, emotional and physical healing, or empowerment in the present moment, Past Life Regression offers a pathway to release fears, cultivate happiness, and manifest the life you deserve. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing with Past Life Regression at Bodhi Leaf Wellness Resort. Led by our internationally accredited Past Life Regression & LBL Therapist, immerse yourself in a deeply transformative session designed to uncover insights, release limiting energies and beliefs, and facilitate profound healing. Experience the power of reprogramming your subconscious awareness to feel empowered, abundant, joyful, and free, as you connect with the wisdom of your soul's journey across lifetimes.

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Inner Child Healing

In these challenging times, our Inner Child Healing sessions offer a sanctuary for emotional wounds to be healed, allowing you to navigate uncertainty with trust, empowerment, and love. Through this transformative process, you'll forge a genuine connection with your inner child, identifying and addressing their cries for help manifested as anxiety, fear, or self-sabotage. Learn to communicate with your inner child, understanding their needs for safety, love, worthiness, and joy. Reprogram your subconscious mind to release old traumas and embrace your truth, fostering forgiveness and healing towards yourself and others. By nurturing your inner child, you'll cultivate resilience and deep connection, deserving to express yourself fully with safety, worthiness, and joy. Experience the profound liberation of Inner Child Healing at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness. It's time to embrace and bring home your precious inner child.


Reiki Healing

Reiki, a powerful energy-balancing therapy, offers profound benefits for stress reduction, relaxation, emotional and physical healing, and spiritual growth. Our Usui Reiki Master Teacher provides deeply relaxing 1.5-hour Reiki healing sessions and comprehensive certification courses in Levels 1, 2, and 3. In our private and small group settings, you'll experience personalized attention and a deeper connection to the healing energy of Reiki. Avoid waiting for others and progress at your own pace while receiving loving support and guidance from our experienced teacher.

Reiki Level 1 and 2 courses are conducted over full-day sessions, allowing for immersive learning and ample time for practice and questions. Ignite the light within and unlock your inner potential with the transformative power of Reiki at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness.

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Soulful Abundance Activation

Experience the Soulful Abundance Activation at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness and embody the abundance you already possess. Through powerful soul channeling, uncover and release money and abundance blocks. Replace old money stories with a new, high-vibrational vision. Expand your mindset and heart space with gratitude and abundance meditation. Receive deep energy healing to activate chakras and elevate vibrations for more financial abundance, freedom, love, gratitude, and joy. Embrace your full potential and live a life of abundance.

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Live Between Life

Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery with a Life Between Lives session at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness. Delve into the mysteries of your existence as you explore the space between lives, guided by the pioneering work of Dr. Michael Newton, author of "Journey of Souls". In this transformative experience, uncover the answers to life's most profound questions: your purpose, lessons, soul connections, and the choices behind your current incarnation. With a duration of approximately 4 hours for both the Regression Prep. session and the Life Between Lives session, immerse yourself fully in this exploration of your soul's journey and pre-determined mission.

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Transgenerational Trauma Healer

Guided by experienced facilitators, explore the dynamics of your family system and uncover hidden patterns that may be influencing your life. Through this profound experience, gain insights into your relationships, ancestral connections, and unresolved issues, allowing for healing and personal growth. Join us for this enlightening exploration of your family's constellation. Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery with Family Constellation at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness.

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Holistic Psychology and Shamanism

Our unique approach combines ancient shamanic wisdom with modern psychological techniques to support your holistic healing journey. Through personalized sessions guided by experienced practitioners, delve deep into your subconscious, address emotional wounds, and align with your true essence. Embrace inner balance, healing, and spiritual growth in a serene and nurturing environment. Experience the powerful synergy of mind, body, and spirit at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness.

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Access Bar

A gentle and transformative therapy designed to release limitations and unlock your full potential, experience Access Bars at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness. Through light touch on specific points on the head, Access Bars facilitates deep relaxation and clears energetic blockages, allowing for greater clarity, peace, and well-being. Rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit in a tranquil setting with our skilled practitioners. Discover the freedom to create the life you desire with Access Bars at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness.



There is always room for every yoga practice at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness. From traditional Hatha and Vinyasa to the innovative and exhilarating practice of aerial yoga, our expert instructors guide you through transformative sessions designed to nourish your body, calm your mind, and uplift your spirit. Whether you're seeking strength and flexibility in Ashtanga, relaxation and restoration in Yin, or the unique experience of floating in mid-air with aerial yoga, our serene studio space invites you to explore the full spectrum of yoga practices. Join us at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness and embark on a journey of self-discovery, balance, and holistic well-being through the ancient art of yoga.

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Our specialized classes of Breathwork offer a range of techniques to enhance your well-being, from traditional Pranayama to innovative practices like aerial yoga. Guided by expert instructors, you'll explore the connection between breath and body, fostering relaxation, vitality, and inner balance. Whether you're seeking to deepen your yoga practice or simply unwind and rejuvenate, our serene studio space provides the perfect setting for self-discovery and holistic healing. Join us at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness and elevate your wellness journey through the art of breathwork.

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Embark on a journey of inner peace and mindfulness with our diverse meditation offerings. From guided mindfulness meditation to transcendental meditation and even incorporating meditation into aerial yoga sessions, our expert instructors lead you through transformative practices designed to cultivate presence, clarity, and tranquility. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, our serene studio space provides the perfect environment to explore various meditation techniques and deepen your connection with yourself. Join us at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness and discover the profound benefits of meditation for your mind, body, and spirit.

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Our skilled practitioners offer personalized acupuncture sessions aimed at restoring balance and promoting wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Whether you're seeking relief from physical ailments, or emotional stress, or simply looking to enhance your overall well-being, our serene studio space provides the perfect environment for healing. Immerse yourself in this time-honored practice and experience the profound benefits of acupuncture alongside other holistic offerings like aerial yoga. Join us at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness and embark on a journey toward optimal health and vitality.

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Intuitive Tarot Reading

Embark on a soulful journey of enlightenment with intuitive tarot readings from skilled readers. Unveil the hidden truths and divine guidance that await you. Experience the mystical energy of the tarot as it illuminates your path, offering profound insights and spiritual clarity. Whether you seek guidance on love, career, or personal growth, our intuitive tarot readings provide a sacred space for soulful exploration and spiritual connection. Immerse yourself in this transformative practice and awaken to the magic of the universe. Join us at the Bodhi Leaf Wellness and unlock the mysteries of your soul.

Book Our Services
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Visit The Bodhi Leaf

The Bodhi Leaf Wellness Resort located at Jl. Pantai Purnama, Sukawati, Bali, is a three-story haven overlooking scenic rice fields just 50 minutes from the airport. Our multi-functional space spans three floors, featuring a harmonious blend of a rejuvenating restaurant, healing rooms, and thoughtfully designed accommodations.

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Ask a Question

Discover the magic of Balinese culture while you nourish your soul, connect with the local community, and explore the natural surroundings that inspire our healing sanctuary. Embark on a transformative journey towards optimal well-being with us.