Julia (not her real name for privacy purposes) came to Bodhi Leaf Wellness for our Heal and Replenish package, seeking a transformative Bali healing journey. Having heard about us from a good friend who had done a personal retreat with us a few months prior. Her friend believed that Julia would find peace and gain a new perspective by coming here.
On the first day of her retreat, she arrived at my house looking fresh and relaxed. She had a wonderful massage session with one of our spa therapists and mentioned how well she slept afterward. I told her she probably needed that rest.
Before entering my meditation room, I performed a small cleansing ritual, melukat, by sprinkling water infused with three different colored flowers and rice onto her forehead and asking her to wash her face. In Balinese culture, this is a way to cleanse and purify oneself before entering a sacred space.
My meditation room is my sacred space, where I meditate, connect with my spirit guides, and perform Tibetan Singing Bowl (chakra balancing and nadi cleansing) for friends and clients.

As she stepped inside, she was captivated by the many flower offerings placed on top of my shrines. She asked if I made the offerings every day, and I told her yes—it is our dedication and an essential part of our daily practice. I asked her to lay down, make herself comfortable, and offered her a small blanket, but she preferred to stay cool. Normally, I ask my clients about their background and their intentions for the retreat, as it helps me channel my energy to support them. However, this time, I chose not to ask. Instead, I guided her through breathwork to help her relax. Once she appeared at ease, I encouraged her to pray to her God or any higher power she believed in, asking for guidance during our session. At the same time, I prayed to my spirit guides for assistance in helping her.
I began with the first strikes of my bowls. As the session progressed, I noticed that the sound of my bowls was slightly different when working on her base chakra, solar plexus, and heart chakra. I set my intention for whatever was causing the blockage or imbalance in these areas to be lifted, allowing her to begin her healing journey. An hour passed, and as I closed the session with the sound of my ting-sha, I saw that she was still in the flow, her eyes gently closed. I thanked my spirit guides for guiding me and stepped into the bathroom to wash my hands. When I returned, Julia was still lying down but slowly moving her fingers and toes. Eventually, she sat up and shared how deeply relaxed she felt, how the vibrations of the bowls resonated through her body. I smiled, touched her hand, and asked if she wanted to share anything with me to lighten her heart before leaving.

She began speaking about the struggles she faced with her husband’s adult children and his ex-wife, who constantly demanded money and exhibited toxic behavior. The stress had built up to the point where she felt like she was losing herself. The problems escalated further, affecting her own relationship with her mother and, eventually, with her husband. Despite everything, she knew that she and her husband shared a strong love. I listened attentively for about thirty minutes before offering her a simple piece of advice—focus on what truly matters. Her love for her husband and their love for each other. I told her to give more love, not just to him, but to herself. To stop carrying the burdens that weren’t hers and to make things lighter for herself. I reassured her that in the next two days of her retreat, she would have opportunities to release her emotions and let go of what no longer served her.
That was the last time I saw her, as I became busy with work, and she checked out two days later. To my surprise, this morning, I received a message from her.
Hello Putu, how are you? I just wanted to ask you—what have you done to me? I went back to work, and I feel so light. It’s as if all my problems disappeared, not only with my stepchildren but also with my own family. Today, for the first time, I finally see everything in a much lighter way. Everything feels easy now, especially at work. Whatever you did, Putu, thank you so much.
Her message brought a big smile to my face all day. I thanked her and expressed how happy I was for her. I hadn’t done much—I had simply guided her back to herself.
Julia, I didn’t heal you. You healed yourself. You were already halfway there the moment you decided to seek help. You are your own healer, my dear. By giving yourself time and space to reflect and to love yourself, you found your own strength. And that is the most beautiful part of the healing journey.
Start Your Transformative Healing Journey in Bali Today!
At Bodhi Leaf Wellness, we are honored to hold space for transformative experiences like Julia’s. If you’re ready to embark on your own Bali healing journey, we invite you to explore the power of sound healing with us. Book a session today and take the first step toward healing and self-discovery.